Welcome to 2010 Wellness

If you are ready to take your health, wellness, and consciousness to the next level then you are at the right place. We welcome you to the heart of 2010 Wellness where you will create your wellness destiny.
For specific questions or comments email us at info@optimumwellness.com.
Don't forget to email emily@optimumwellness.com with your pound for pound challenge goals - and this will double your donation to the food bank as we match that in dollars :)

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

What Great Thing Will You Commit to Today?

Making good on your good intentions sets the tone for well-being in all areas of life. Living and expressing integrity with our self care can serve to build a healthy sense of self and personal peace. Think about how you feel when you successfully follow through on a self care goal -- whether it be a goal to get in your morning exercise every day before you head out for the day, or a goal to eat 5 servings of fruits and vegetables daily. Set yourself up for success by aligning your inner dialogue with loving encouragement. Move through your day being mindful of balance and peace. Choose and act in ways that fully reflect your truth and your highest expression. The foundation for a successful life of joy and well-being is built by being consistent with showing up in your integrity.

When you are setting goals and intentions for growing your well-being, the way to success can be made more realizable and reasonable thru aligning with the following tenets for transformation:

v    Build the landscape

When you surround yourself on the outside with the images, sounds, and experiences of the vision that you desire to create you set the tone and the attractive forces on the inside to bring them into actualization on the physical plane. Use the “law of exposure” by decorating your life with pictures of people, places and images of things that inspire you. Place these positive props strategically where you will see them and be reminded of who you really are and your intentions to live your promise – on the bathroom mirror to see while you brush your teeth first thing in the morning, at your work station, on your night stand, any and all places that you go. 

v    Commit to yourself

A most empowering and important relationship to leverage to get the results that you are looking for is the relationship that you have with yourself. I love the distinction between motivation and inspiration when it comes to getting on with getting going. Motivation typically comes from outside of ourselves and is not always sustainable. Whereas inspiration comes from within and can always deliver the encouragement and support needed. Get clear about what gives you life, what turns you on and  attach that inspiration to your commitments and clear the way to successful outcomes!

v    Engage your inner coach and fire the inner critic

Ask yourself if you BELIEVE that you are all about making the shifts in your beliefs and in your actions that will give you the experience of successful self care. You can reinforce positive, new unlimited beliefs by practicing the art of mental hygiene-letting go of old limiting beliefs and patterns of thought. Envision each belief that does not serve you and your truth as being effortlessly dropped or kicked into the dumpster with zeal! Another way to give the inner critic a free pass out of your head is to align with the truth. Set your intentions on what you desire, remember who you really are. Now, move into that expression with grace-filled enthusiasm!

v    Get comfortable with being uncomfortable

Even healthy, life affirming changes can be uncomfortable and sometimes painful. The experience of growing more well by incorporating new and improved lifestyle and mindfulness techniques takes courage as you move into uncharted territory where it can be all too easy to want to retreat back to what is familiar. It is interesting how we might desire to turn to comfort food when we are feeling less than wonderful?. Moving forward, challenging old paradigms of being is a trust walk and faith is required. A powerful practice to ignite movement towards a wellness practice is to begin with end in mind. See yourself having successfully completed that DVD exercise program; the yoga class that makes you stretch; the fulfilling healthy meal; the many different and inspiring acts of self love and kindness and allow that vision to fully wash over you by using all of your senses and finally seal the experience with the feeling of gratitude and appreciation for your success!

Embrace your self care as an adventure in faith and trust. With every moment, in every thought and action you can express integrity and with this expression you can also cultivate a life of true wellness.


  1. How much salt can I use on the program?

  2. Hi Kirk - Most recommended limits for salt or sodium are to stay between the range of 1,500 and 2,400 milligrams (mg) a day for healthy adults. The lower your sodium, the more beneficial effect on blood pressure.
    For individuals older than 50 or those with a health condition such as high blood pressure, chronic kidney disease or diabetes, you may be more sensitive to the blood pressure raising effects of sodium. In that case you would want to be at the 1500 milligrams or lower limit.
    With that said, we recommend that you do not add additional salt to your food but rather go with sodium free herbs and spices. Kelp or dulse are sea vegetables that have a salty flavor that you may consider in place of salt. We also recommend low sodium soy sauce or tamari whenever possible.

  3. Thanks for the workshop last night - really enjoyed learning so much. My question.... I have two teenagers in my house and I believe the only way lasting change will happen with them (and OK me too) is if we tackle one or two things at a time. So what do you think are one or two of the first things to change in our diets? Thanks!

  4. Do we have a group already created for the Pound for Pound Pledge? ie: MHC Wellness, and if we do how do I find it?

  5. Actually you just sign up as an individual. We did not create a facebook group since we are keeping our pledge to our 2010 wellness group - but we would like to hear from everyone about their pledges so we can keep track of the goals and where we collectively are. You can click on the link on the right side of the blog to get there.

  6. I'd like to try cooking the steel cut oats in the crock pot overnight as you mentioned - do I use the same ratio of oats to water (1:4) if I'm using the slow cooker? Thanks!

  7. Here’s what I committed to today…
    I am ready to rock and roll with this improved lifestyle which I've been saying I've wanted for some time now. Apparently making a declaration to do something and actually doing it are two different things! Last night was just the "golden ticket" to help me put the plan into action. Thanks Dr. Rouse, Debra, Dr. Roger, and Erica for being a personal catalyst for me! I just gotta turn things around so I don't end up with cancer like my folks did. I simply adore my boys and husband and want to soak up every minute of this life with them!

    Everything tells me that this "2010 Wellness Plan" is the way to go as it’s an accumulation of the healthful knowledge I’ve acquired over the past few years. Therefore, I have put some things in place so I can begin healthful eating tomorrow. Today, I even dusted off the ol' elliptical and did a 30 minute workout (Yay!) and I figured out my "High Fives" to work with daily! So bring it on, I say!

    I have 3 questions though!

    #1) I would love to make the steel cut oats using the crock pot method and would love to know the proportion of water to oats? I don't think I caught it last night when Debra mentioned something about it. Then,
    you'd put it in a crock pot and let it cook on low overnight, I am assuming?

    #2) When the exercise DVD does become available again, where will I be able to purchase it?(I think I may have missed that info as well)

    #3) Does anyone have any recommendations for chewing gum that do not contain sugars or “Franken-sugars” ?(e.g., aspartame or sucralose, etc.) Gum seems to prevent me from sticking food in my mouth unnecessarily and I figure it will get me through the tough times in the next few weeks!

    Blessings to all as I tip my cup of green tea and stevia to those also embarking on this healthful adventure and to those who have guided us to this path!

  8. What are we allowed to drink on the program other than water and green tea?

  9. Ashley and all,
    Thank you for all the feedback and questions. For cooking Steel Cut oats in the crock pot - add 4 1/2 cups water for 1 cup steel cut oats and turn on low for 7 hours or so. It will likely form a crust around the edges, but you just stir that down and it will be fabulous.

  10. We have a few DVDs left - you can send an email to Emily at emily@optimumwellness.com and let her know you would like one, or send a check for $9.50 ($8.00 plus shipping) to PO Box 587, Indian Hills, CO 80454.

  11. RE: Chewing Gum - Vitamin Cottage and Whole Foods sells gum sweetened with Xylitol - we like the Spry the best but there is another brand that we can't find anywhere anymore that we liked better called B Fresh and we bought it online at: www.veganessentials.com - the Bubblegum is especially fun and tasty.

  12. Re: What can you drink besides water and green tea?
    Sparkling/carbonated water, Iced tea, herbal tea, limited juices that you can dilute 50:50 with water (4 oz. juice - but we wouldn't do this more than once a day), lowfat or nonfat milk i(n place of other dairy like yogurt or string cheese). Really we would just like you to consider avoiding all soda (regular and diet), artificial sweeteners, "energy" (i.e. caffeinated) beverages (aka red bull, etc), alcohol (the occasional glass of wine is okay), high calorie smoothies (aka Jamba, etc), high sugar/high calorie coffee drinks.

  13. Re: Teenagers in the house: Without knowing anything about your existing habits, I would say #1 eat more vegetables and #2 eat less sugar. Now, if they (or you) drink soda, I would make that #2 - give up the soda. You can do a pantry purge together and toss (or give away) anything that contains partially hydrogenated oils, MSG, or high fructose corn syrup - that is a great thing to do together and a fantastic way to begin the year.

  14. If you are eating gluten free are steel cut oats allowed?

  15. Oh, very good question. We know that Bob's Red Mill has certified gluten-free steel cut oats. Not sure of other brands - so if you know you have a problem, stick with Bob's - and tomorrow we might call Bob's to make sure they have been thoroughly tested.

  16. I have a question about the substitutions list that was posted. I am a vegetarian so I am making lots of substitutions. Should they be one for one substitution? For example if I am substituting cottage cheese for salmon and the meal call for 4-5 oz of salmon would I then eat 2 to 2 1/2cup of cottage cheese. To me it seems that the calorie total would then be higher. Any help on understanding how to make substitutions correctly would be great.

  17. We found Bob's Red Mill gluten-free steel cut oats at Whole Foods - added protein powder, the blueberries, and cooked them in the crock pot. I don't like oatmeal, but this is pretty good!

    Have you tried Gluten Free Oats, out of Powell, WY? They are available in Denver at Deby's Gluten Free Food. I don't see steel cut oats, though. Here is their website:


  18. Thought you might enjoy this link:

  19. I'm following the plan ... Day 7 of no soda (I started before seeing you guys on Monday) and haven't had any sugar or baked goods since Monday. HUGE for me.

    My question is, I eat a meal and am still starving when I finish. (I also feel hungry fairly consistently) I've just been dealing with it ... will this ever go away?

    I noticed at the beginning of your book, you said that vegetables are unlimited. How does that work into calories, etc. (and can we freely increase the veggies at each meal?)

  20. Good question regarding substitutions and amounts - the chart isn't quite clear enough and we apologize - no, one cup cottage cheese max at a time - we just don't need that much protein at once. And feel free to substitute edamame (1/2 cup) or legumes (1/2 cup cooked), lara bar, mix1, 2 tablespoons nut butters.

  21. Hi Celia, We found that Bob's Gluten free oats were the most reasonably priced. The first brand of Gluten free oats we used to buy were super expensive and we can't remember the brand name - so not sure if it was the company out of Powell.

  22. Hi Sally, You really shouldn't be hungry. When we say unlimited vegetables - we mean like salad greens, steamed greens, carrots, celery, bell pepper - those types of veggies (as opposed to starchy veggies). We don't get overly concerned with those calories because number one, they are somewhat negligible and also they are loaded with water, vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients. Are you drinking enough water throughout the day?

  23. I will from now on reach the extra inch, laugh out loud when laughter moves me and cry when my heart is full. I will look at the mornings with a new interest in the sunrise and go to bed with a new interest in my love. Instead of feeding my feelings from this point forward, I will dance with them. And bring back into my life all that I love

  24. My husband & I started this today and are very excited! My question is: we both work out already at 24 hr fitness; I am working with a trainer. Since our workouts about are really tough, I know that we need to eat carbs before & we have been drinking a protein drink (whey + juice) right after. But, this isn't on the diet plan in the book. What can we do about this?
