Every day you pass through dozens of doorways; into and out of rooms, your house, your car, etc. A simple and powerful practice is to use the moment you pass thru each doorway as an opportunity to get yourself "right with you" and the world around you. Simply use the doorway to take a moment to recite a quick prayer, an affirmation or simply just say thank you to yourself. When you use this practice time to make good with getting centered, each doorway can serve to help to restart the moment, creating the day and life experience you desire for yourself.
An example would be to recite to yourself; "I am living my best now", "I am living with passion", "I am expressing love now", "I am kind and generous now", "I am grateful for my life"...whatever inspires you, whatever makes you think positive-anything that moves you to be a better you will work. Maybe it has something to do with letting go of the first part of your day and embracing a new state of mind, way of eating, or attitude. Imagine, hearing a positive message dozens of times every day to help you to remember who you are and how great you are!
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