Welcome to 2010 Wellness

If you are ready to take your health, wellness, and consciousness to the next level then you are at the right place. We welcome you to the heart of 2010 Wellness where you will create your wellness destiny.
For specific questions or comments email us at info@optimumwellness.com.
Don't forget to email emily@optimumwellness.com with your pound for pound challenge goals - and this will double your donation to the food bank as we match that in dollars :)

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Healthier Coffee

We spoke at our follow up meeting about healthier coffees and what that might look like. While we are not telling you to give up your beloved coffee, we do believe there are some healthy guidelines to consider when it comes to imbibing.
First choose organic coffee whenever possible. Coffee beans are typically a heavily pesticided crop. Therefore if we drink non-organic coffee, we are likely also consuming pesticide residues, which are quite toxic to our bodies. We also like to recommend Fair Trade coffees, which support the farmers and their families with fair, sustainable wages.

Here are some of our favorite brands:
Equal Exchange
Puroroast (low acid)
Caffe Sanora
Green Mountain Roasters
Newman's Own Organic Line of Coffee
The Organic Coffee Company
Cafe Altura
Mount Hagen

We're sure there are more, just look for the certified Organic and Fair Trade labels.


Enthusiasm is excitement with inspiration, motivation, and a pinch of creativity.

Don't wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles and less than perfect conditions. So what. Get started now. With each step you take, you will grow stronger and stronger, more and more skilled, more and more self-confident and more and more successful.

~ Mark Victor Hansen

Today set your intention and your confidence in motion by remembering to put your best energy in one or all of the 4 areas of balance : eating, sleeping, thinking, and moving. Dedicate yourself to balanced living today. Enjoy greater success and life fulfillment. Look around you for motivation, but more importantly, look inside yourself. See and feel what is waiting to be created today.